Friday, February 22, 2008

I had my doubts . . .

According to Chris Ziemann's report at the February 6th ANC meeting, the Q Street repaving project had about three weeks to go until completion. Does anyone see it being done on or around next Wednesday? In November we were told that the project would wrap up in about a month. It's not an emergency, just an inconvenience to have my fillings knocked loose when I drive east while cautious drivers ahead of me take all the bumps and ripples at 5 m.p.h. I also have serious doubts about the contractor's project management and DDOT's ability to manage contractors.

I'm sure that the work is a necessary inconvenience. I still cringe to think of all of the upcoming projects in and around Logan Circle. This spring work on P Street will commence, and DDOT will "reconstruct" and resurface 11th Street. We'll watch these projects carefully so that we can prepare ourselves for the upcoming 14th Street and 17th Street streetscape projects. Yikes.


IMGoph said...

yeah, i had good things to say about ddot on my blog here, but any thought of the q street project makes me want to take it all back.

it's obvious when you go through there that the contractor just doesn't care, because it isn't moving forward at all. guess they didn't include a financial incentive/disincentive clause in the contract for timeliness...

Chris Loos said...

Yeah...I'm pretty much stunned at how long Q street's been taking. Is DDOT the problem or is it the subcontractor they're using? Its very frustrating. I no longer take Q street back to Shaw...I use L now.

Mr. Other Upper NW said...

I know the project got off to a bad start because (and I'm pulling from memory here, so I couldbe slightly mistaken) the contractor fouled up some Pepco lines that had to be reconstructed and thuse set the project back.

But that was last fall, it just seems preposterous that the reconstruction of essentially a two block stretch of street is going to end up taking this long.